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New Equipment

STLP would like to gauge student interest in items being considered for purchase through the remainder of the academic year. Please take a moment to participate in our quick survey by visiting: The survey will close at 5:00pm on Friday, February 21st, 2025. Your feedback will help prioritize STLP purchases made through June 2025. Thank you for participating!

Winter 2025 Operations

STLP office locations are open weekdays between Monday, January 6th and Friday, March 21st during the winter academic quarter. STLP is closed weekends and holidays including Monday, January 20th and Monday, February 17th. For walking directions and hours of operation, please visit the Locations page. Individual office locations can also be found on Google Maps as follows: Health Sciences (HSI) map Husky Union (HUB) map Kane Hall (KNE) map As a reminder, reservations not claimed on the scheduled checkout date…